Loading Bay Equipment
Experts in the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of loading docks and loading bay equipment.
Dock Levellers - Standard electro, hydraulic dock levellers. Our dock levellers can be made to suit your specifications and individual needs. We are able to give you not just a robust and solidly made product but a quality of installation and a service that never lets you down.
Industrial Doors - roller shutters, fire shutters, sectional and overhead, high speed doors. Operated electronically or manually by hand chain or push up action. Tough, secure and easy to operate. Can be personalised in a wide range of available colours. Fabric roll-up doors in a variety of materials for different applications, fast access doors with traffic control technology.
Protection Barriers - armco barriers, railings, column protectors, parapets, key clamp. Protect your environment and personnel with our large range of barrier solutions. Southern Fabrications technical staff have extensive knowledge of all types of barriers and protection devices. We can help you in your risk assessment and offer the best solutions.
Accessories - wheel guides, heavy duty buffers, dock load lights, traffic lights, bollards.